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8 Tens Festival 2023 - Part 1 

Man's Best Friend by featuring Thomas Webb, Naomi Rollins and Karen Babbitt

"Man's Best Friend" by Tim Lehnert, directed by Buff McKinley, featuring Thomas Webb, Naomi Rollins and Karen Babbitt


"Man's Best Friend" by Tim Lehnert, directed by Buff McKinley, featuring Thomas Webb, Naomi Rollins and Karen Babbitt


"Man's Best Friend" by Tim Lehnert, directed by Buff McKinley, featuring Karen Babbitt and Naomi Rollins


"Man's Best Friend" by Tim Lehnert, directed by Buff McKinley, featuring Thomas Webb, Naomi Rollins and Plautus Testudines


"The Most Precious Thing" by Amy Dellagriarino, directed by Sarah Albertson, featuring Manirose Bobisuthi

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"The Most Precious Thing" by Amy Dellagriarino, directed by Sarah Albertson, featuring Tristan Ahn


"The Most Precious Thing" by Amy Dellagriarino, directed by Sarah Albertson, featuring Manirose Bobisuthi and Tristan Ahn


"The Most Precious Thing" by Amy Dellagriarino, directed by Sarah Albertson, featuring Tristan Ahn and Manirose Bobisuthi


"Wonder People" by Madeline Puccioni, directed by Hannah Eckstein, featuring Lee Ann Gray and Ward Willats


"Wonder People" by Madeline Puccioni, directed by Hannah Eckstein, featuring Lee Ann Gray and Ward Willats


"Wonder People" by Madeline Puccioni, directed by Hannah Eckstein, featuring Lee Ann Gray and Ward Willats


"Wonder People" by Madeline Puccioni, directed by Hannah Eckstein, featuring Lee Ann Gray and Ward Willats


"Honest Abe Mazulu" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Rebecca Haley Clark, featuring Thomas Webb and Avondina Wills


"Honest Abe Mazulu" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Rebecca Haley Clark, featuring Thomas Webb and Avondina Wills


"Honest Abe Mazulu" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Rebecca Haley Clark, featuring Thomas Webb, Tristan Ahn, and Avondina Wills


"Honest Abe Mazulu" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Rebecca Haley Clark, featuring Thomas Webb, Tristan Ahn, and Avondina Wills


"Youth for Dark" by Keith Whalen, directed by Kathryn Adkins, featuring Gino Danna


"Youth for Dark" by Keith Whalen, directed by Kathryn Adkins, featuring A.J. Davey Ouse and Gino Danna


"Youth for Dark" by Keith Whalen, directed by Kathryn Adkins, featuring A.J. Davey Ouse and Gino Danna

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"Youth for Dark" by Keith Whalen, directed by Kathryn Adkins, featuring A.J. Davey Ouse and Gino Danna


"Confessions a Deux" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Helene Simkin Jara, featuring Tristan Ahn and Ward Willats


"Confessions a Deux" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Helene Simkin Jara, featuring Tristan Ahn and Ward Willats


"Confessions a Deux" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Helene Simkin Jara, featuring Tristan Ahn and Ward Willats


"Confessions a Deux" by Stephen Cooper, directed by Helene Simkin Jara, featuring Ward Willats and Tristan Ahn


"The Tree" by Barbara Anderson, directed by Evan Hunt, featuring Mary Ann LoBalbo, Lee Ann Gray, and Gino Danna


"The Tree" by Barbara Anderson, directed by Evan Hunt, featuring Lee Ann Gray, Gino Danna, and Mary Ann LoBalbo


"The Tree" by Barbara Anderson, directed by Evan Hunt, featuring Lee Ann Gray and Gino Danna


"The Tree" by Barbara Anderson, directed by Evan Hunt, featuring Lee Ann Gray and Gino Danna


"Father Michael's Doing Mass" by Kevin Broccoli, directed by Jim Schultz, featuring Karin Babbitt and Karen Schamberg


"Father Michael's Doing Mass" by Kevin Broccoli, directed by Jim Schultz, featuring Karin Babbitt and Karen Schamberg

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"Father Michael's Doing Mass" by Kevin Broccoli, directed by Jim Schultz, featuring Karin Babbitt and Karen Schamberg


"Father Michael's Doing Mass" by Kevin Broccoli, directed by Jim Schultz, featuring Karin Babbitt and Karen Schamberg

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