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8 Tens Festival 2017

A LONG TIME COMING by Judy McColman. Directed by Jim Schultz, featuring Sam Johnson and John Wasielewski

GOD SPEED, APOLLO by Jody McColman. Directed Marcus Cato, featuring Camille Russell and Donald Grube

THE TRANSACTION by Kathryn Chetkovich. Directed by Nat Robinson, featuring Steve Capasso and Marcus Cato

COUNTING DOGS LIKE SHEEP by Mary Caroline Rogers. Directed by Daria Troxell, featuring MarNae Taylor and Erik Gandolfi

MATCH PLAY by Seth Freeman. Directed by Sarah Albertson, featuring Claudine Weinfeld and John Wasielewski

NO TELLING by Janis Hashe. Directed Wilma M. Chandler, featuring Ann McCormick, Ruth Elliott and Marcus Cato

COOLEY'S REEL by Madeline Lowe Puccioni. Directed by Gerry Gerringer, featuring W. Scott Whisler, Carrie Browde and Geraldine Byrne

THE PAIN INSIDE by Carlos Jerome. Directed by Robin Aronson, featuring Correll Erik Barca-Hall and Rafael Reyes

OUR LADY OF PALMYRA by Allston James. Directed by Noel Warwick & Suzanne Schrag, featuring Gary Edwards and Donald Grube

THE NICE VIEW by Cynthia V. Holm. Directed by Bill Peters, featuring Alie Mac and Nat Robinson

SHAKESPEARE'S BOY by Brian Spencer. Directed by Andrew Ceglio, featuring Timothy Randazzo and John Wasielewski

THE THIRD PERSON by Dan Borengasser. Directed by MarNae Taylor, featuring Jackson Wolffe and Daria Troxell

TRUE by Richard Chin. Directed by Anita Natale, featuring Alex Garrett and Danielle Crook

BOY TALK by Steve Koppman. Directed by Brian Spencer, featuring Timothy Randazzo and Alex Garrett

IRON MAN by Claudia Sternbach. Directed by Susan Forrest, featuring Lillian Bogovich

FLOWERS by Sheila Cowley. Directed Kip Allert, featuring Mary Ann LoBalbo, Ann McCormick and Hannah Eckstein

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