Actors' Theatre
Health & Safety
Let's all help keep each other safe and healthy!
Updated 11-22-22
Attending a Production
At this time, we are planning to offer all seats for each production, while implementing the important safety guidelines listed below. These guidelines may change based on updates from the CDC and local and state agencies, so please check back before coming to the theater.
We have a high-efficiency electronic air cleaning system rated at MERV 16 that refreshes the air in the theater more than 4 times per hour.
All of our performers, staff and crew are vaccinated and will be wearing masks when required backstage.
Proper distancing will be required in the theater lobby. Masks are highly recommended, even in your designated seats. This includes entering and exiting the theater through the Art Center lobby or using the restrooms. If you forget to bring a mask, one can be provided for you.
No food or drink is allowed in the theater. Only bottled water will be permitted.
We respectfully ask that you follow all of these guidelines, if you plan to come to the theater.